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Author: FrancoisMaceNCS

Harmony image

The new XPPLUG plugin of the SCNET4™ system for Milestone XProtect® offers a true real-time integration of the SCNET4 access control system with this VMS solution. Providing a direct link between the access control system and the video-surveillance, it allows the establishment of a unified interface, HARMONY, creating communication links with other security techniques such as the intrusion management, the video intercom systems or license plate...

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Working in collaboration with Assa-Abloy, NCS has obtained the certification for its integration of Aperio® Online products in the SCNET4™ V3 system.   At the same time, we were able to test and validate the new H100 door handles coming on the market at the beginning of 2018. Those products, in addition to their elegant and slim design bring numerous advantages. While guaranteeing all the regular functions...

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The SCNET4™ Version 3 system of NCS® now supports up to 4 online Aperio® locking devices on a single SC4x5™ controller. With the integration of the Aperio® online protocol directly within the controllers, the SCNET4™ system provides a complementary solution to its classical access control functions through a simple, reliable and intelligent mean of door control while guaranteeing their real time management even if the communication...

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NCS HID mobile Access integration

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]During a contact taken in October 2016 through HID’s website, one of the major public relations agency in Belgium asked us to secure the new offices that they will enter in December 2016.   Their major concern included the reliability, future proofness and innovation of the chosen solution together with its fast implementation. As they manage the public image of many large companies in Belgium, they were...

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NCS OSDP integration

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Security Industry Association (SIA) OSDP™ protocol allows connecting RFID readers of many types and brands on a single RS232/RS485 serial link. With the possibility to address multiple readers on a single bus, it supports secured communication relying on AES 128 bits encryption of the exchange messages. As a standard protocol it is interoperable and does not belong to a reader manufacturer but is rather...

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The SCNET4™ SECURE satisfies the most demanding security standards. This new version uses TLS 1.2 (certificates and encryption) for connections between the server, clients and controllers. Communications with the readers are encrypted and authenticated. MIFARE DESFire® EV1 badge management uses advanced techniques for random identification, diversified keys and code encryption.  The processes for managing the system are hierarchical, secure and tracked....

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