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SC4x4™ Controllers

SC4x4™ Controllers

The new SC4x4™ controller replaces the SC4x0™. Equipped with a latest-generation ARM® processor, the SC414™ controller (or the SC424™ extended version) offers a very high level of performance in a miniaturised product with low electricity consumption. It is equipped with an embedded web server giving access to an integrated program loader for software updates.

A single device enables many possible configurations simply by changing parameters, which is carried out automatically from the SCNET4™ server

Configuration of badge reader inputs in Wiegand, ISO2 or SCDI™ serial mode.


Configuration of detection modes for alarm inputs: detection at 2, 3 or 6 levels and high-security technical monitoring at two points of a pair.


Choice of linking to the IP network using fixed or DHCP addressing – with the option of a PoE power supply – or a cabled NCDI2™ connection, or both at once.


The range also includes an input/output extension unit (SLAVE).

SC407-BU-04™ is a pre-equipped installation cabinet able
to contain and power up to four SC4x4™ controllers with their equipment.
SC407-BU-04™ contains a battery charger that regulates charging and monitors
the discharging of the battery.

Download the specifications

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