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Its innovative technologies offer a high level of performance
combined with an unparalleled degree of miniaturisation.

The new Version 3 of the centralised SCNET4™ system includes the new SC4x5™ family of controllers.

Version 3 is now available for new applications, but Version 2 of the SCNET4™ centralised system is still supported by NCS™.

Complete even in its basic version, SCNET4™ offers all the functions needed for easy operation, such as interactive graphical views and visitor management. SCNET4™ is simple, modular and secure.


Download the list of functions




SCNET4™ interfaces with your company’s IT resources. It shares data with other management databases and interacts with other building control and monitoring equipment.



Deploying even a complete, powerful system such as SCNET4™ requires no special knowledge or long prior training. The recurring theme is simplicity.

The SECURE version of SCNET4™  satisfies the most stringent security requirements. It uses TLS 1.2 for the connections between the server, client workstations and controllers. Communications with the readers are encrypted and authenticated. MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 badge management uses the most advanced techniques. The processes for managing the system are hierarchical, secure and tracked.



The new controllers in the SC4x5™ family equip the SCNET4™ Version 3 range.
One of the most compact controllers, the SC4x5™ is also one of the most powerful.

Technical considerations

SCNET4™ is adapted to Windows® 10 and Windows Server® 2016. It is multilingual. The structure is optimised for all networks (cabled star or bus networks, IP with or without DHCP, ADSL etc.) and for building pre-cabling.


SCNET4™ can handle multiple badge technologies simultaneously, from standard proximity badges (HID®, STID®, EM™) to secure chip cards such as Mifare®, Calypso™, DESFire® EV1 and EV2, CPS3, Agent or PIV, NFC.

The security master plan incorporates access control and intrusion detection into a breakdown by security zones.

SCNET4™ is an open system: data can be imported and exported automatically from and to human resources databases and directories.

Intelligence and management data are distributed to the closest level to the elements to be controlled. This maximises the resilience of the system.

Integration with video surveillance, videophone systems and centralised technical management enables complete interoperability.

SECURE communication techniques such as TLS and encrypted links between readers and badges guarantee the highest level of security.


The NET4™ distribution includes the whole library of programs and documentation, a unique protection key and a software installation wizard. The installation is individualised by a secure activation code. Each licence is thus tailored to each operating need. Extensions are deployed with a new secure activation code, with no need to install further software (prerequisite: NCS® service contract).

Contact us for informations

Security management

SCNET4™’s security management uses diversified communication methods: messages and instructions are exchanged by GSM (text), e-mail, mobile or internal (DECT) phone; web consultation; tablet or smartphone access; dialogue with remote monitoring centres and hypervisors.

SCNET4™ is simple to deploy and operate,
modular in structure and completely secure.


to install: SCNET4™ consists of complete miniaturised components, all identical, called ``controllers``: SC4x5™.

to deploy: everything is done using parameters, which are defined and changed remotely using administration workstations with no need for laborious programming. BUILD™ automates the deployment process.

to use: everything is automatic and intuitive; there is no need to learn technical jargon; each user can personalise the system the way they want.


in its structure: SCNET4™ is suited to a huge variety of networks: IP, token ring, bus, star, cabled.

in its capacity: SCNET4™ grows with your needs.

in its identification technologies: SCNET4™ accepts all badge technologies simultaneously. It even contains a format programmer. A single user can have several badges.

in its controllers: all types of obstacles can be supervised optimally using predefined scenarios

in its controllers: all types of obstacles can be supervised optimally using predefined scenarios


in SECURE networks: communication is protected with the TLS 1.2 protocol.

in SECURE connections with readers: the data exchanged is encrypted.

in connections with sensors: signals are processed with the highest level of security.

in the encoding of access badges: the CARD-TAG structure (personal record, ID code) ensures information is kept confidential.

in the SECURE programming of MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 badges: users define their own keys, formats and codes.

in access to administration operations, changes to parameters and traceability.

Download the SCNET4 datasheet


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