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System Integration

Suited for your company

SCNET4™ integrates with the company’s existing IT infrastructure. It shares data with human resources databases and libraries of photos and building plans. It exchanges data and commands with video surveillance, remote monitoring, building management, call systems and video phone systems.

SCNET4™ open system

Personnel data can be imported selectively, automatically, continuously and in real time from common databases (SQL™, Oracle®, SAP®, ODBC links etc.). SCNET4™ also makes data and system statuses available to third-party systems, such as time management software or statistical tools, in a variety of formats.

Message server

This server provides a link with

  • video surveillance and centralised technical management,
  • alarm systems,
  • time and attendance management,
  • call systems and remote monitoring centres

VMS integration

SCNET4™ integrates video surveillance with access control and alarm monitoring. This integration includes VMS and video phone systems on the market.

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