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Version 3 is now available for new applications,
but Version 2 of the SCNET4™ centralised system
is still supported by NCS™.

SCNET4™ integrates all centralisation and management functions.
It operates with video surveillance, centralised technical management and remote monitoring
systems and can share data with human resources databases.

The SC4x0™ controllers have equipped SCNET4™ since its beginnings. They have now been replaced by the new SC4x4™ family of controllers. SC407™ power supply cabinets can host up to 2 SC4x0™ or 4 SC4x4™ controllers. 


Download the datasheet


Starting version with 2.20, version 2 of the SCNET4™ system enables its users to continue using their existing infrastructure, offering full compatibility with these controllers. This version also allows users to upgrade to the more recent versions of their systems gradually, at their own pace: users can replace older controllers with new SC4x4™ controllers, and once the whole system has been migrated these can be converted to SC4x5™ controllers in order to benefit from the latest advances of the SCNET4™ version 3 system.

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