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30 years of experience to your service!

NCS was founded in Brussels in 1985. At that point the company was selling its American parent company’s large access control systems in Europe and developing very high-security alarm systems for the banking industry based on encrypted telephone networks.

In 1990, NCS® was acquired by European shareholders, and its global headquarters was based in Brussels.

In 1993, NCS launched the LEVEL5™, the first access control system based on Windows® NT.  The following year, the EDI3™ system was launched in response to the need for smaller installations operating under Windows® 95. Even then, NCS® access control systems supported proximity badge technologies, when most installations still used technologies based on magnetic stripes.

Between 1995 and 2000, NCS® developed a large number of interfaces to facilitate communication between its products and third-party systems such as video surveillance, intrusion detection etc.

The first version of the SCNET4™ system came to market in 2002. It was based on a whole new family of access controllers. The entire system used modern technologies in terms of both the software and the hardware extensions supported.

A second version of the system, with enhanced functionality and interfaces, was delivered in May 2011. It provides compatibility with more recent operating system versions and the new Microsoft SQL database engines. This version guarantees the ability to interface with many third-party systems and offers new security modules such as operation traceability.

In summer 2014, a brand new controller based on the latest advances in processors, memory and operating systems came to market, offering new prospects for operations and also, in its SC4x4 version, the possibility of ensuring continuity at existing sites.

The first quarter of 2016 saw the marketing of the SECURE version of the SCNET4™ system, ensuring the use of the most up-to-date security techniques such as IP communications secured with the TLS 1.2 protocol, end-to-end encryption of all communications with access badges and the complete, secure centralisation of all the encryption keys used by the system

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